Digital Senior

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The main goal of the project is to activate persons of various ages, mainly persons 65+ in the area of digital competences, through training and animation activities in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The result of the project implementation will be the inclusion of seniors in building the information society, developing digital competences, acquiring the skills to use e-services, creating permanent mechanisms for increasing digital competences at the local level.

Project participants will be supported in the form of development activities, i.e. training (15 meetings of 4 hours per group, 60 hours in total) on the acquisition, consolidation and improvement of digital competences.

Everything will take place using the project method, based on the activity of seniors as participants, by using the newly acquired knowledge in practice and sharing knowledge and experiences with others.

The training program includes e-mail service, Internet surfing skills, use of Facebook, YouTube and developing e-services, in particular public administration and in banks.

Training topics:

  • Basic computer functions, image, communicators.
  • Viewing and analyzing information.
  • Security tools, electronic banking.
  • Communication using digital tools and applications – chat and Skype.
  • Communication by e-mail.
  • Online civic activity: e-culture and e-education.
  • e-office civic activity.
  • Setting up an e-mail account and using services.
  • Personal data protection. Viewing, searching and filtering information.
  • Spiritual needs and taking care of health.
  • Social relations and developing hobbies.
  • Local news, trip planning.
  • Using the capabilities of YouTube.
  • Creating a profile on Facebook.
  • Image and sound processing.

and animations in the field of self-performance of a multimedia presentation on a selected topic.

The project entitled “Digital Senior” is implemented by the EUROPARTNER Academic Club of European Integration in partnership with the Łomża Council of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT in Łomża.

The project is implemented under the Digital Poland Operational Program, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


Access date: 29.03.2022

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