Digital Angel

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The project “Digitaler Engel” supports older people in using digital services – close to everyday life, personally and locally.

Booking trips online, staying in touch with the grandchildren online or converting your own home into a smart home: the mobile advice team offers help with specific questions about digitalisation. They teach older people in a practical, personal, and on-site manner how daily routines and habits can be enriched and made easier through digital applications. For this purpose, the project team travels through the rural regions of Germany with an information van.

In addition, brochures, videos, instructions, and tips are made available online to provide further information about the digital world. This material is available here:

For senior citizens – the Digitaler Engel outreach team

Our Team goes wherever older people go in their daily lives: from the marketplace to senior citizens’ meetings. In personal conversations, digital offers are presented, concrete questions are answered, and fears are reduced.

For knowledge mediators – shaping digital participation on a sustainable basis

The project team shows opportunities to enrich and facilitate everyday life with digital services. Everyday challenges can be overcome more easily through digitalisation. Knowledge mediators are gladly supported in their local work through tailor-made offers on site.

For regional providers – guide to digital offerings.

The project supports the transfer of digital skills by networking of local actors. Together with partners from the region, the project facilitates the dissemination of their existing offers for older people.


Access date: 12.05.2022

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