Project under the Erasmus + Program entitled Adult Inclusive Design (AID) aims to develop tools that will allow organizations to teach active seniors how to volunteer to help other seniors. It has been observed that seniors are divided into two groups – those who have a high energy potential and would like to share their knowledge and experience, and those who feel lost in various life situations and wait for a helping hand. Often those in need of help do not keep up with the galloping development of the world and it is difficult for them to find a common language with younger people, so the project focuses on relations between seniors who certainly understand each other very well and can quickly find a common language. However, sometimes the mere willingness to help is not enough to effectively support another person, so the volunteers themselves will also need to expand their knowledge and develop certain skills.
The AID project will provide institutions working with seniors with tools to effectively support senior volunteers in expanding their competences. During the project, educators and trainers of four institutions prepared a guide for trainers containing not only information on the necessary content that a senior volunteer should know, but also scenarios of workshops shaping the volunteers‘ skills necessary for their effective work. Seniors in four countries assessed the effectiveness of work – through participation in workshops conducted according to the developed scenarios, and tested the acquired skills in practice as senior mentors for other seniors, emigrants or disabled persons.
Project results:
- methodological manual “Volunteering as a source of better quality of life for seniors” available in the form of an e-book
- application and other IT tools supporting people who want to become a volunteer or train such persons.
Implementers of the project: “Active XXI” Foundation, Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain), SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd (Cyprus) and LUMSA University (Italy).
Project co-financed by the European Union.
Access date: 29.03.2022