The “Seniors in Action” is a nationwide programme, which has been implemented since 2008 by the Society for Creative Initiatives “ę” from the funds of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. It was launched to use the enormous potential of free time, knowledge and life experience of older people.
In the “Seniors in Action”, seniors decide. They implement their ideas, introducing positive changes in the lives of their peers and in their community. In the programme active persons who want to combine developing their own passions and interests with acting for the benefit of others are looked for. Younger people who want to support intergenerational activities are also invited to participate.
Recruitment to the programme is organized in the form of a competition, within which the ideas developed by persons 60+ (alone or together with a younger person – the animators in a pair must differ in age by at least 25 years) in cooperation with a selected non-profit organization or institution , e.g., a third age university, foundation, association, community center, library, or housing association can be supported.
Grants are awarded for the implementation of projects that involve the elderly in activities for the benefit of the surroundings, promote intergenerational cooperation and volunteer work of the elderly.
Participants of the “Seniors in Action”, in addition to grants for the implementation of the project, may receive funds for study visits, which enable them to learn about initiatives carried out in various locations covered by the programme. The possibility of cooperation with experienced trainers from the network of Flying Culture Animators and Flying Sociologists run by the Society “ę” is considered to be an additional support.
Access date: 31.03.2022