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Virtual and Real Learning and Competence Network for Older Adults (ViLE e.V.)

The “Virtuelle und reale Lern- und Kompetenz Netzwerk älterer Erwachsener e.V.” (Virtual and Real Learning and Competence Network for Older Adults) was founded in December 2002 by senior citizens and staff of further education institutions from all over Germany.

The network offers introductory courses in the technical basics of virtual learning, virtual literature circles, its own online newspaper for adults interested in further education (, project and seminar work, workshops and travel offers in the sense of research-based travel. The members work together virtually and in real life, also in regional groups.

The association’s latest project is the production of an information brochure on educational opportunities for older people at universities: The “Digital Study Guide for All”.


Access date: 01.06.2022

AGE Platform Europe – the voice of older persons at EU level

AGE Platform Europe is a European network of non-profit organisations of and for people aged 50+, which aims to voice and promote the interests of the 200 million citizens aged 50+ in the European Union (Eurostat, 2018) and to raise awareness on the issues that concern them most.

AGE’s vision encompasses an inclusive society, based on well-being for all, solidarity between generations and full entitlement to enjoy life, participate in and contribute to society. At the same time, each person’s rights and responsibilities throughout their life course have to be fully respected.

The network’s work focus on a wide range of policy areas that impact on older and retired people. These include issues of anti-discrimination, employment of older workers and active ageing, social protection, pension reforms, social inclusion, health, elder abuse, intergenerational solidarity, research, accessibility of public transport and of the build environment, and digital technologies (ICT).

The network members seek to give a voice to older and retired people in the EU policy debates, through the active participation of their representative organisations at EU, national, regional and local levels, and provides a European platform for the exchange of experience and best practices. They furthermore inform older people on their rights as EU citizen or resident and on EU policy making processes and recent EU policy development.

Through the involvement in several EU projects, the network members also seek to promote older people’s participation in the development of projects and devices intended for them (‘user involvement’).


Access date: 01.03.2022

In the protection of life and health – telecare and telemedicine

The projects “In the protection of life and health – telecare and telemedicine” are addressed to seniors 65+ from designated areas of the Silesian Voivodeship. As part of them, remote care and health services tailored to their needs are implemented in seniors’ homes, the so-called telecare and telemedicine. These care and health services, combining modern ICT technologies with the work of professionals, are designed to extend the period of independence of seniors at home.

Each participant undergoes an interview with recognition of their needs, during which it is determined what types of support available in the project, apart from remote care, can help the Seniors in maintaining their health – and we try to provide these services. Depending on the identified needs, during the projects, participants are provided with special devices for remote ECG or glucotransmitters. Additionally, in the house of each participant, telecare devices are installed with the possibility of 24-hour contact with the Telecare Centre. There is a professional Telecare Centre in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, where qualified telecarers work (people experienced in working with seniors, including medical caregivers, psychologists, gerontologists, occupational therapists, senior consultants, paramedics). On the other hand, in Katowice, there is the Telemedicine Centre, where paramedics as well as doctors – cardiologists and internists work 24/7. These two centers working together provide care for seniors in the field of emergency coordination, psychological assistance, screening for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson), cardiological problems and diabetes. Each service in the project is completely free. A very important element of the project is the involvement of the neighborhood network and the help of volunteers.

The implementers of telecare and telemedicine projects are the “EBI Association”, OPIEKANOVA Sp. z o.o., Telemedycyna Polska S.A. and partner towns.

Projects implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Access date: 24.02.2021


SOS for Senior – longer at home, safer, more active, more confident

The “SOS for Senior” project deals with the implementation of social services based on individual needs that can be realized at home and in the local community. The applied support combines modern technologies with professional social services and activation. The target group of the project are people aged 60+ from Jastrzębie-Zdrój.

Each participant of the project – a person who cannot cope with a new life situation (loneliness, dependence, illness, partner’s condition) gets the opportunity to take advantage of a wide range of ad hoc services that improve the life situation – remote care (telecare), home services, home rest service, activation in local environment.

Each project participant undergoes an interview with recognition of their needs, during which the types of support available in the project are determined. For the duration of the project, special telecare devices are installed in seniors’ houses with the possibility of 24-hour contact with the person under care. There is a Telecare Centre in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, where qualified telecarers work (people experienced in working with seniors, including medical caregivers, psychologists, senior consultants). As part of direct support aimed at activating seniors, the range of services includes neighborhood and caring animation services, respite services, Senior Club classes, including workshops with a psychologist, passionate and thematic activities, socialization and sports activities. Everything to make the lives of our Seniors as long as possible, the safest and the most active in the local community. Each service in the project is completely free, the entire cost of devices and support is financed from the European Union, the state budget and the implementers’ own contribution.

A very important element in the project is the Coordination of Senior Care (SOS). The involvement of the neighborhood network, the help of volunteers, the work of employees activating seniors and medical carers, as well as activities dedicated to specific groups of participants in the created Senior Club are to contribute to maintaining the condition of Seniors or even their activation. Therefore, apart from the caring function (reacting to emergency situations, accompanying through social talks, talking to a psychologist), telecare also coordinates other activities supporting our participants according to Individualized Action Plans.

The implementers of the “SOS for Senior” project are the “EBI Association”, OPIEKANOVA Sp. z o.o. and the town of Jastrzębie-Zdrój with the Social Welfare Center.

Project implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesia Voivodeship for 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Access date: 24.02.2021

Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

The main goal of the multiannual program “Active+”  for the elderly persons for 2021-2025 is to increase the participation of older persons in all areas of social life by supporting the activity of non-governmental organizations working for seniors.

For the “Active+” programme, in each year of its operation, funds will be allocated to activities and initiatives that activate seniors. Non-governmental organizations and other authorized entities acting for the benefit of the elderly will be able to apply for co-financing of their projects with the amount of PLN 25,000-250,000.

Co-financing will be awarded in four priority areas:

  • Social activity, which includes activities aimed at increasing the participation of older persons in active forms of spending free time, supporting dependent elderly persons and their environment in the place of residence, developing voluntary work for older persons in the local environment and increasing the involvement of elderly persons in the labour market.
  • Social participation, which contributes to strengthening the self-organization of the elderly environment and increasing the influence of the elderly on decisions concerning the living conditions of citizens.
  • Digital inclusion, including activities aimed at increasing the skills of using modern technologies and using new media by older persons, as well as disseminating and implementing technological solutions favoring social inclusion and safe functioning of the elderly.
  • Preparation for old age by strengthening lasting intergenerational relations, shaping a positive image of the elderly and increasing the safety of seniors.

The program is financed from the state budget.


Access date: 09.09.2021

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” is a nationwide programme, which has been implemented since 2008 by the Society for Creative Initiatives “ę” from the funds of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. It was launched to use the enormous potential of free time, knowledge and life experience of older people.

In the “Seniors in Action”, seniors decide. They implement their ideas, introducing positive changes in the lives of their peers and in their community. In the programme active persons who want to combine developing their own passions and interests with acting for the benefit of others are looked for. Younger people who want to support intergenerational activities are also invited to participate.

Recruitment to the programme is organized in the form of a competition, within which the ideas developed by persons 60+ (alone or together with a younger person – the animators in a pair must differ in age by at least 25 years) in cooperation with a selected non-profit organization or institution , e.g., a third age university, foundation, association, community center, library, or housing association can be supported.

Grants are awarded for the implementation of projects that involve the elderly in activities for the benefit of the surroundings, promote intergenerational cooperation and volunteer work of the elderly.

Participants of the “Seniors in Action”, in addition to grants for the implementation of the project, may receive funds for study visits, which enable them to learn about initiatives carried out in various locations covered by the programme. The possibility of cooperation with experienced trainers from the network of Flying Culture Animators and Flying Sociologists run by the Society “ę” is considered to be an additional support.


Access date: 31.03.2022

We owe it to them

1 out of 6 pensioners has paid a bribe in the public service (especially in the field of health services), according to the survey from 2018. Seniors are also more likely to believe the disinformation.

Transparency International Slovakia therefore launched a project to raise their awareness called “We owe it to them”. Seniors are riddled with manipulation and corruption that only a quarter of them would report. Their vulnerability is related to lower awareness and also to their ability to distinguish facts from misinformation. Therefore, Transparency prepared a two-year project where they supported the education of seniors in the form of training (within whole Slovakia to educate at least 1,500 seniors) to better protect them from corruption or manipulation.

They also developed:

  • Transparency academy (focused on Local Government, Public expenditure, Justice and info-law, Education, Officials and ethics, Health and Critical thinking via quizzes, guides, practical advice and answers and stories – podcasts);
  • rankings and portals (Ranking of hospitals, Open Local Government, Public companies, Bugles, Open Courts, Open prosecution, Map of family connections in the judiciary, Open government contracts, Corona subsidies);
  • publications and a book called “The power of corruption”.


Access date: 04.11.2021


MemTrainMemory Training for Older Adults (55+) Linking Physical Exercise and Brain Training to Promote Healthy Ageing. MemTrain is an Erasmus+ Project Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education.

Project Memtrain is intended for professional sports trainers, brain trainers, lecturers, community workers and other adult education professionals who want to provide a professional training course for older people aged 55+ to improve memory and to help prevent brain deterioration. It is aimed at equipping trainers with scientific knowledge and important background information, but mainly with a step-by-step guide to conducting a sport and memory training course.

During the MemTrain project, seven partners from six European countries created a set of activities, which includes physical activities (adapted physical activity, Zumba, Nordic Walking and athletics) and brain training activities (brain training using both hemispheres of the brain and memory games).

Main outputs:

The project was funded by the European Union within Erasmus+ Programme.


Access date: 11.09.2020

SPERO – Social Communication Platform for Seniors

Seniors living in their home face a great risk of loneliness. The risk is much higher when the extended family is not living in the same house. Usually they are linked to the local environment through church visits, doctor visits, grocery shop, newspapers and television. The project develops an innovative social communication platform and end-user device designed for seniors who can easily communicate to everybody who joins the platform. They are able to read news; they can be immediately informed on the local events, sport activities, clubs’ activities. It can be used also as a reminder. The end-user device is designed to have only five buttons. It is connected to TV since it is senior’s prime display in the house. By implementing new communication channel to seniors, and sourcing multiple digital communication channels of senior’s friends, family, local community and care organization, we can tackle the social isolation problem raised by the introduction of the digital communication in the society.

Source: Development Centre oft he Heart of Slovenia

Access date: 12.12.2021


PHARAON – Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing

The overall objective of the PHArA-ON project is to provide support for Europe’s ageing population by integrating digital services, devices, and tools into open platforms that can be readily deployed while maintaining the dignity of older adults and enhancing their independence, safety, and capabilities. The project will utilise a range of digital tools including connected devices (e.g., the Internet of Things, IoT), artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud and edge computing, smart wearables, big data, and intelligent analytics that will be integrated to provide personalised and optimised health care delivery.

The Slovenian pilot aims at improving well-being through passive monitoring using a variety of sensing devices like wearables, sensors embedded in furniture, and environmental sensors.

During the pre-validation phase, a number of Pharaon technologies were used to monitor physiological indicators of residents directly (wearables, imbedded sensors), as well as to monitor their environment (environmental sensors, embedded sensors):  SmartHabits (ENT), InvisibleCare, IoChat, IoTool (Senlab),  Amicare (CETEM), MOX wearable (MAIN), Wearables (CORO), Discovery (Ascora). Furthermore, a system was tested to easily browse events, register, and potentially arrange transit using a familiar system, like a television with remote control using the following Pharaon technologies:  IoChat, IoTool, SeniorsPhone, InvisibleCare (Senlab), Sentab system (SenTab).  The communication support tools are centered on an easy to use, television-based communication tool (Daisy, SenLab) and a smartphone interface designed specifically with older adults in mind, with chat and other communication tools supported as well.

Source: National Institute of Public Health of Republic of Slovenia

Access date: 01.03.2022