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In the protection of life and health – telecare and telemedicine

The projects “In the protection of life and health – telecare and telemedicine” are addressed to seniors 65+ from designated areas of the Silesian Voivodeship. As part of them, remote care and health services tailored to their needs are implemented in seniors’ homes, the so-called telecare and telemedicine. These care and health services, combining modern ICT technologies with the work of professionals, are designed to extend the period of independence of seniors at home.

Each participant undergoes an interview with recognition of their needs, during which it is determined what types of support available in the project, apart from remote care, can help the Seniors in maintaining their health – and we try to provide these services. Depending on the identified needs, during the projects, participants are provided with special devices for remote ECG or glucotransmitters. Additionally, in the house of each participant, telecare devices are installed with the possibility of 24-hour contact with the Telecare Centre. There is a professional Telecare Centre in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, where qualified telecarers work (people experienced in working with seniors, including medical caregivers, psychologists, gerontologists, occupational therapists, senior consultants, paramedics). On the other hand, in Katowice, there is the Telemedicine Centre, where paramedics as well as doctors – cardiologists and internists work 24/7. These two centers working together provide care for seniors in the field of emergency coordination, psychological assistance, screening for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson), cardiological problems and diabetes. Each service in the project is completely free. A very important element of the project is the involvement of the neighborhood network and the help of volunteers.

The implementers of telecare and telemedicine projects are the “EBI Association”, OPIEKANOVA Sp. z o.o., Telemedycyna Polska S.A. and partner towns.

Projects implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Access date: 24.02.2021


SOS for Senior – longer at home, safer, more active, more confident

The “SOS for Senior” project deals with the implementation of social services based on individual needs that can be realized at home and in the local community. The applied support combines modern technologies with professional social services and activation. The target group of the project are people aged 60+ from Jastrzębie-Zdrój.

Each participant of the project – a person who cannot cope with a new life situation (loneliness, dependence, illness, partner’s condition) gets the opportunity to take advantage of a wide range of ad hoc services that improve the life situation – remote care (telecare), home services, home rest service, activation in local environment.

Each project participant undergoes an interview with recognition of their needs, during which the types of support available in the project are determined. For the duration of the project, special telecare devices are installed in seniors’ houses with the possibility of 24-hour contact with the person under care. There is a Telecare Centre in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, where qualified telecarers work (people experienced in working with seniors, including medical caregivers, psychologists, senior consultants). As part of direct support aimed at activating seniors, the range of services includes neighborhood and caring animation services, respite services, Senior Club classes, including workshops with a psychologist, passionate and thematic activities, socialization and sports activities. Everything to make the lives of our Seniors as long as possible, the safest and the most active in the local community. Each service in the project is completely free, the entire cost of devices and support is financed from the European Union, the state budget and the implementers’ own contribution.

A very important element in the project is the Coordination of Senior Care (SOS). The involvement of the neighborhood network, the help of volunteers, the work of employees activating seniors and medical carers, as well as activities dedicated to specific groups of participants in the created Senior Club are to contribute to maintaining the condition of Seniors or even their activation. Therefore, apart from the caring function (reacting to emergency situations, accompanying through social talks, talking to a psychologist), telecare also coordinates other activities supporting our participants according to Individualized Action Plans.

The implementers of the “SOS for Senior” project are the “EBI Association”, OPIEKANOVA Sp. z o.o. and the town of Jastrzębie-Zdrój with the Social Welfare Center.

Project implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesia Voivodeship for 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Access date: 24.02.2021

Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

The main goal of the multiannual program “Active+”  for the elderly persons for 2021-2025 is to increase the participation of older persons in all areas of social life by supporting the activity of non-governmental organizations working for seniors.

For the “Active+” programme, in each year of its operation, funds will be allocated to activities and initiatives that activate seniors. Non-governmental organizations and other authorized entities acting for the benefit of the elderly will be able to apply for co-financing of their projects with the amount of PLN 25,000-250,000.

Co-financing will be awarded in four priority areas:

  • Social activity, which includes activities aimed at increasing the participation of older persons in active forms of spending free time, supporting dependent elderly persons and their environment in the place of residence, developing voluntary work for older persons in the local environment and increasing the involvement of elderly persons in the labour market.
  • Social participation, which contributes to strengthening the self-organization of the elderly environment and increasing the influence of the elderly on decisions concerning the living conditions of citizens.
  • Digital inclusion, including activities aimed at increasing the skills of using modern technologies and using new media by older persons, as well as disseminating and implementing technological solutions favoring social inclusion and safe functioning of the elderly.
  • Preparation for old age by strengthening lasting intergenerational relations, shaping a positive image of the elderly and increasing the safety of seniors.

The program is financed from the state budget.


Access date: 09.09.2021

Digital senior citizen

Digital senior citizen

The project focuses on adult education and well-being of seniors aged 65 and over. These persons are at unfavorable situation in terms of digital skills because while younger generations acquire these skills practically from their childhood, older persons did not have the opportunity like that simply because computers and the Internet did not exist when they grew up and digital competences were not included in their educational paths. Even those who graduated the universities are among the low-skilled in the field of digital literacy. This fact severely limits their lives, preventing them from taking full advantage of the time spent in retirement. Moreover, the most attention is now paid to education of young people, and when computer classes for seniors are organized, they are usually not tailored in any way to the specific needs of this target group. They’re basic and technical, just like any other beginner’s computer science class, no matter what their age or ability is.

Project goals:

  • extending the competences of adult educators by preparing open educational resources (OER) containing an innovative, tailored to the needs of the “Digital Life” education course,
  • broadening the competences of adult educators by providing them with the Digital Story Telling methodology to train students at unfavorable situation, in particular seniors,
  • developing open educational resources (OER) adapted to the needs of adult educators and seniors in order to support the development of digital skills of both groups,
  • disseminating the results with the aim of reaching as many adult teachers and seniors as possible across the European Union.

The project developed the following results:

  • “Digital Life” course for adult educators, as an Open Educational Resource (OZE) [5 modules]
  • “Digital Life” course for seniors, as an Open Educational Resource (OER), [3 modules that will help listeners feel more confident in the daily use of ICT]
  • Handbook for adult educators “How to Conduct Digital Life Training”.

Project implemented in partnership: MITRA FRANCE (France – coordinator), Eesti People to People (Estonia), Danmar Computers (Poland), CESIE (Italy), Centre for Education (Spain) and UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY – UTH (Greece).

The project is co-financed under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.


Access date: 31.03.2022

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” is a nationwide programme, which has been implemented since 2008 by the Society for Creative Initiatives “ę” from the funds of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. It was launched to use the enormous potential of free time, knowledge and life experience of older people.

In the “Seniors in Action”, seniors decide. They implement their ideas, introducing positive changes in the lives of their peers and in their community. In the programme active persons who want to combine developing their own passions and interests with acting for the benefit of others are looked for. Younger people who want to support intergenerational activities are also invited to participate.

Recruitment to the programme is organized in the form of a competition, within which the ideas developed by persons 60+ (alone or together with a younger person – the animators in a pair must differ in age by at least 25 years) in cooperation with a selected non-profit organization or institution , e.g., a third age university, foundation, association, community center, library, or housing association can be supported.

Grants are awarded for the implementation of projects that involve the elderly in activities for the benefit of the surroundings, promote intergenerational cooperation and volunteer work of the elderly.

Participants of the “Seniors in Action”, in addition to grants for the implementation of the project, may receive funds for study visits, which enable them to learn about initiatives carried out in various locations covered by the programme. The possibility of cooperation with experienced trainers from the network of Flying Culture Animators and Flying Sociologists run by the Society “ę” is considered to be an additional support.


Access date: 31.03.2022

Senior Digital Club

As part of the activities of the Centre of Education and Creation FACTORY OF THE FUTURE in Tarnów, a thriving Senior Digital Club has been opened – a place where you can spend time learning new – very useful in everyday life skills, but also fulfilling your hobbies and individual needs thanks to reaching the Internet resources. The FACTORY OF THE FUTURE also implements projects for the digital integration of people over 60 years of age.

In the Senior Digital Club you can get to know the rich resources of historical photographs of the town and its inhabitants, learn to photograph with a digital camera and send photos to your loved ones. With an instructor, you can visit the largest European museums, get to know music portals with your favourite songs, find your friends on social networks – on Facebook or other ones. You can learn how to pay for parking with a mobile phone, shop safely in online stores (with home delivery) and pay bills at no extra cost.

The Senior Digital Club is equipped with laptops, tablets, x-box kinect console, scanner and printers, which can be used freely during opening hours.

The organizers of the Senior Digital Club want to adapt the activities to the individual needs of seniors.


Access date: 29.03.2022

Digital Senior

The main goal of the project is to activate persons of various ages, mainly persons 65+ in the area of digital competences, through training and animation activities in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The result of the project implementation will be the inclusion of seniors in building the information society, developing digital competences, acquiring the skills to use e-services, creating permanent mechanisms for increasing digital competences at the local level.

Project participants will be supported in the form of development activities, i.e. training (15 meetings of 4 hours per group, 60 hours in total) on the acquisition, consolidation and improvement of digital competences.

Everything will take place using the project method, based on the activity of seniors as participants, by using the newly acquired knowledge in practice and sharing knowledge and experiences with others.

The training program includes e-mail service, Internet surfing skills, use of Facebook, YouTube and developing e-services, in particular public administration and in banks.

Training topics:

  • Basic computer functions, image, communicators.
  • Viewing and analyzing information.
  • Security tools, electronic banking.
  • Communication using digital tools and applications – chat and Skype.
  • Communication by e-mail.
  • Online civic activity: e-culture and e-education.
  • e-office civic activity.
  • Setting up an e-mail account and using services.
  • Personal data protection. Viewing, searching and filtering information.
  • Spiritual needs and taking care of health.
  • Social relations and developing hobbies.
  • Local news, trip planning.
  • Using the capabilities of YouTube.
  • Creating a profile on Facebook.
  • Image and sound processing.

and animations in the field of self-performance of a multimedia presentation on a selected topic.

The project entitled “Digital Senior” is implemented by the EUROPARTNER Academic Club of European Integration in partnership with the Łomża Council of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT in Łomża.

The project is implemented under the Digital Poland Operational Program, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


Access date: 29.03.2022

Adult Inclusive Design (AID)

Project under the Erasmus + Program entitled Adult Inclusive Design (AID) aims to develop tools that will allow organizations to teach active seniors how to volunteer to help other seniors. It has been observed that seniors are divided into two groups – those who have a high energy potential and would like to share their knowledge and experience, and those who feel lost in various life situations and wait for a helping hand. Often those in need of help do not keep up with the galloping development of the world and it is difficult for them to find a common language with younger people, so the project focuses on relations between seniors who certainly understand each other very well and can quickly find a common language. However, sometimes the mere willingness to help is not enough to effectively support another person, so the volunteers themselves will also need to expand their knowledge and develop certain skills.

The AID project will provide institutions working with seniors with tools to effectively support senior volunteers in expanding their competences. During the project, educators and trainers of four institutions prepared a guide for trainers containing not only information on the necessary content that a senior volunteer should know, but also scenarios of workshops shaping the volunteers‘ skills necessary for their effective work. Seniors in four countries assessed the effectiveness of work – through participation in workshops conducted according to the developed scenarios, and tested the acquired skills in practice as senior mentors for other seniors, emigrants or disabled persons.

Project results:

  • methodological manual “Volunteering as a source of better quality of life for seniors” available in the form of an e-book
  • application and other IT tools supporting people who want to become a volunteer or train such persons.

Implementers of the project: “Active XXI” Foundation, Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain), SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd (Cyprus) and LUMSA University (Italy).

Project co-financed by the European Union.


Access date: 29.03.2022

The project entitled „Seniors in action”

The objectives of the SENIORS IN ACTION project under the Erasmus + Program are:

  • inclusion of the students of the Jeleniogórska Academy of the Third Age in active lifelong learning.
  • strengthening the key competences of the students of the Jeleniogórska Academy of the Third Age (digital, social and learning competences).

As part of the project activities, two group adult learning mobilities will be organized during which seniors cooperating with the Foundation “Active XXI” will have one-week classes at universities of the third age in Milazzo (Sicily) and Cuence (Spain).

Participation in mobility activities will activate seniors in their activities and encourage them to be more active. The obtained results will motivate them to further work. They will also be an inspiration for other adults studying at the Academy of the Third Age. Preparing for departure: searching for information, preparing presentations, planning joint educational activities with partners from Italy and Spain and participation in mobility will strengthen their key competences such as digital, language, learning and social skills (empathy, communication, tolerance).

The project is implemented by the “Active XXI” Foundation.

Project co-financed by the European Union.


Access date: 29.03.2022

E-Senior / Digital Greater Poland/ Silesian Academy of Senior/MEW@

The aim of the projects E-Senior / Digital Greater Poland / Silesian Academy of Senior /MEW@ is to activate persons over 65 in the area of ​​digital competences through training and animation activities.

The results of the projects are the inclusion of Seniors in building the information society in Poland, the development of functional digital competences and the abilities of using IT in everyday life.

The trainings implemented as part of the projects enable each project participant to acquire very practical skills of:

  • using the Internet, computer, phone, tablet and other IT devices;
  • shaping the competences that are helpful in the everyday life of a Senior (online communication,

e-services including online shopping and banking, medical services, e-government and more).

The project includes various activities with Seniors, among them the following can be distinguished:

I. Training of digital competences:

  1. basic level – adapted to the needs and capabilities of Seniors (subject, time and atmosphere of classes), are carried out in two versions:
  • standard training – 60 hours of classes for persons with minimal experience in using the computer and the Internet;
  • extended training – 90 hours of classes for persons who do not have experience in online communication and work with the computer, and due to their health condition or disability, require longer support.
  1. advanced level – 30 hours of additional thematic training for persons who will want to deepen basic digital competences (e.g. in the field of digital photography, blogosphere, online finance, etc.

II. Animation projects – group activities activating Seniors in the local community using functional digital competences and IT tools (e.g. creating online discussion and hobby groups, book clubs, film, art, photography or tourism, local culture and history lovers‘ clubs, creating websites / blogs by enthusiasts, etc.)

Projects implemented in partnership, and the project promoter is the Foundation for Social Participation.

Projects co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Digital Poland for 2014-2020.


Access date: 29.03.2022