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Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

Multiannual programme for the elderly “Active+” for the years 2021–2025

The main goal of the multiannual program “Active+”  for the elderly persons for 2021-2025 is to increase the participation of older persons in all areas of social life by supporting the activity of non-governmental organizations working for seniors.

For the “Active+” programme, in each year of its operation, funds will be allocated to activities and initiatives that activate seniors. Non-governmental organizations and other authorized entities acting for the benefit of the elderly will be able to apply for co-financing of their projects with the amount of PLN 25,000-250,000.

Co-financing will be awarded in four priority areas:

  • Social activity, which includes activities aimed at increasing the participation of older persons in active forms of spending free time, supporting dependent elderly persons and their environment in the place of residence, developing voluntary work for older persons in the local environment and increasing the involvement of elderly persons in the labour market.
  • Social participation, which contributes to strengthening the self-organization of the elderly environment and increasing the influence of the elderly on decisions concerning the living conditions of citizens.
  • Digital inclusion, including activities aimed at increasing the skills of using modern technologies and using new media by older persons, as well as disseminating and implementing technological solutions favoring social inclusion and safe functioning of the elderly.
  • Preparation for old age by strengthening lasting intergenerational relations, shaping a positive image of the elderly and increasing the safety of seniors.

The program is financed from the state budget.


Access date: 09.09.2021

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” Programme

The “Seniors in Action” is a nationwide programme, which has been implemented since 2008 by the Society for Creative Initiatives “ę” from the funds of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. It was launched to use the enormous potential of free time, knowledge and life experience of older people.

In the “Seniors in Action”, seniors decide. They implement their ideas, introducing positive changes in the lives of their peers and in their community. In the programme active persons who want to combine developing their own passions and interests with acting for the benefit of others are looked for. Younger people who want to support intergenerational activities are also invited to participate.

Recruitment to the programme is organized in the form of a competition, within which the ideas developed by persons 60+ (alone or together with a younger person – the animators in a pair must differ in age by at least 25 years) in cooperation with a selected non-profit organization or institution , e.g., a third age university, foundation, association, community center, library, or housing association can be supported.

Grants are awarded for the implementation of projects that involve the elderly in activities for the benefit of the surroundings, promote intergenerational cooperation and volunteer work of the elderly.

Participants of the “Seniors in Action”, in addition to grants for the implementation of the project, may receive funds for study visits, which enable them to learn about initiatives carried out in various locations covered by the programme. The possibility of cooperation with experienced trainers from the network of Flying Culture Animators and Flying Sociologists run by the Society “ę” is considered to be an additional support.


Access date: 31.03.2022

Improving the digital skills of seniors

Through the project “Improving the digital skills of seniors“, MIRRI SR will help seniors to navigate new technologies, learn how to use them or improve their IT skills. The project, for which EUR 69.4 million has been allocated, includes not only face-to-face and e-learning training, but also the provision of data connectivity and the distribution of senior tablets or other devices (such as laptops and smartphones) to trained seniors who join the project and express interest in technical support.

Improving the digital skills of seniors is part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic, for which MIRRI SR has prepared the Digital Slovakia component to support cybersecurity, digital economy, eGovernment and digital skills.

The project is currently in the preparatory phase. The Ministry is negotiating with third age universities, primary and secondary schools, municipalities, as well as civic associations working with seniors. The Ministry of Informatization plans to launch the first phase of digital training for seniors in the spring of 2022. Several thousand seniors could be trained as early as next year.

The target group of this project is citizens belonging to disadvantaged groups:

  • Public administration employees over 55 years of age (the created environment will enable online testing and improvement of digital skills of public administration employees meeting the definition of disadvantaged population groups and at the same time will verify the possibility of later use also in the selection process and support for updating digital skills during the duration of the civil servant relationship, public employment contract),
  • Disabled and old-age pensioners who do not belong to the category of senior citizens (under 65 years of age, with an invalidity or old-age pension),
  • Seniors (population of post-working age, i.e. over 65 years of age),
  • Persons with disabilities.


Access date: 04.11.2021


Slovenian Third Age University (National Association for Education and Social Inclusion)

is currently a nation wide set network of 52 universities in 52 localities with about 21.000 students, more than 1.000 mentors and 1.000 volunteers.

Since 1984 when it was established it has been catering for the needs of older people in the field of informatics and new technologies. In 1986 mentors of Slovenian Third Age University developed a programme for low -literate employees complete beginners to learn both English and computer skills needed for the programme WordStar. It was accompanied by a film with mimes illustrating basic computer skills and was a breakthrough in ICT education. In Ljubljana there are currently more than 620 students enrolled in computer classes right now. There are programmes catering for students needs at different levels and developing overall computers skills.

Source:  The Slovenian Universitxy of Third Age

Access date: 30.09.2021

Age Management

Age management – The main goal of this concept is to support a comprehensive approach to addressing the demographic situation and demographic change in the workplace. The Age Management provide support for employers and helps with human resources development, targeted mainly on the group of older workers with which it is primarily associated and includes a fair attitude to aging, an understanding of individuality and diversity, but especially various measures to support work skills, also digital.

They are providing online courses (in the Covid era) for example: Master, companion, and apprentice in the digital age. How can older employees and the digital generation exchange experiences?


Access date: 11.09.2020