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Digital Inclusion and Active Ageing Developing a user-centred methodological approach to investigate the use of mobile phone among older people

Contemporary societies are facing two striking trends: widespread population ageing and rapid diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Since old age often implies ailing health and social isolation, societies could embrace the advances in ICTs to enhance social integration, health and active ageing. However, the complexity and novelty of ICTs threaten many older people with exclusion from their use. Older people could be offered eservices, which would improve their quality of life, if based on age friendly design. Although digital inclusion is strongly advocated in the EU research and policy strategies and associated with positive outcomes such as high quality of life for older people, and new market opportunities for ICT system providers, the uptake of assistive technologies (ATs) among elderly is slow-moving. In this context, mobile phones (MPs) represent an opportunity for digital inclusion due to their already widespread use among the elderly. Therefore, the project is directed towards studying sociotechnical affordances of ATs in mobile phones to foster inclusive and empowered ageing of the heterogeneous group of the elderly.

The project brings together over two decades of internationally recognized interdisciplinary research by the project team in areas of (a) social informatics, (b) social science methodology, including mixed-methods data collection and evaluation designs for elderly, (c) gerontology, (d) experience with large international (FP5, FP6, FP7, COST Actions, LLP, Interreg) empirical digital inclusion projects and (e) developments of web applications for elderly (online learning games).

Source (access date): Simobil – Slovenian Telecommunication Operator

Access date: 12.12.2021


In Slovenia there have been several initiatives important for spreading coding, among socially disadvantaged groups among which CodeCatz. CodeCatz ended up founding Django Girls Store, a non-profit organisation that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops by providing tools, resources and support. Their goal is to bring more amazing women into the world of technology and increase the diversity in the tech community. They believe that. They are making technology more approachable by creating simple tools and resources designed with empathy. During the Code Week Slovenian Third Age University and Katja Koren Ošljak made a step further towards older people’s coding.

Django Girls is a non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops by providing tools, resources and support. During each of our events, 30-60 women build their first web application using HTML, CSS, Python and Django.

Source: Django Girsl & The Slovenian Universitxy of Third Age

Access date: 14.10.2021

Senior citizens‘ offices

The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Seniorenbüros e.V. (BaS) is the network of around 450 senior citizens’ offices in Germany. Senior citizens’ offices promote the voluntary engagement of older people and advocate for a good quality of life.

People over 50 are fitter, more active and more numerous today than at any time before. BaS plays a constructive role in shaping demographic change and provides impulses for senior citizens’ work. It stands for a realistic image of old age that is based on the potential of older people.

BaS advises local authorities and independent organisations on the establishment and further development of senior citizens’ offices and represents their interests at federal and state level. It offers advice, further training and specialist conferences and initiates projects that are implemented at the local level.

Professional support is provided in the senior citizens’ offices, including exchange of experience and appropriate framework conditions for volunteers and paying attention to a good culture of appreciation.

Many senior citizens’ offices offer help in the form of consultation hours on the Internet, PC meetings or counselling services by older people for older people. They are also committed to the digital and social participation of (n)onliners.


Access date: 01.06.2022

Seniors Web

In 2017, the Seniorenweb (Seniors’ Web) association was founded in Vienna. The goal is to make the potential of digitalisation accessible to older people as well. Particularly in crisis or emergency situations (e.g. illness, need for care, immobility, etc.), digital mobility helps to:

  • maintain social contacts
  • take care of daily errands
  • maintain independence
  • create a daily structure
  • stay healthy

However, statistics show that in Austria, even in 2020, almost 550,000 people between the ages of 55 and 75 have never used the internet. As a society, it must therefore also be our obligation not to leave older people behind on the path of digitalisation, but to motivate and support them along the way.

Therefore, the association has made it its mission to promote the following:

  • digital education and counselling,
  • digital networking and
  • digital volunteering

The main pillars are:

  • Events (online and offline trainings, lectures, conversations)
  • Seniors’ portal

*Digital knowledge portal (training materials around smartphones, tablets and computer use from Austria, Germany and Switzerland).


Access date: 13.05.2022